Performance Coaching

Do you have an audition or performance coming up...A coaching of your inner thoughts and outer talents will elevate your performance to be cast-able, accessible and thoroughly believable. 

I would love to be your coach!

I started my professional musical theater career at 19 singing on stage as Ariel at Disney World and then at 20 in Les Miserables on Broadway. I played the lead role of Cosette until the company closed in 2003 and then, at the ripe old age of 23, I happily retired from Broadway :) Albums and travel and concerts and speaking have dotted the last 2 decades while I have also born and raised 4 children. 

My value for YOU is not in giving weekly technical voice instruction. That's just not me. So please don't call me for that. Where I absolutely can and will help you is in adding a professional polish to your performance and clearing your mind of (usually negative) clutter for auditions and performances.

Please contact me directly if you are interested at 

I am looking for the serious student who is ready to tackle a new character, a new show, a high school/college audition, a new speaking/teaching opportunity...whatever is right ahead of you that you really want to knock out of the park, let's do it together. I'll get you there.